There are a wide range of resources available to students who need help:
The frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
If we find several students are asking the same question, an answer
will be added to the FAQ page. Always check it, and the web page in general,
The 254 newsgroup.
Please make use of this facility. If you are unsure of how to set yourself up
for reading and sending to newsgroups then take a look in Student Manual A (or
ask a friend).
The newsgroup should be a place for getting questions answered and for any
general discussion. If you have a question that might be of interest to others
then you should send it to the newsgroup. The newsgroup will be monitored
Your demonstrator, during your scheduled lab class.
It is important you attend your lab class and work through the set
If you run into a problem during this time, your demonstrator should
be able to help you out.
Your tutor, during your scheduled tutorial.
Your tutor can give you assistance with the set exercises, and also
answer more general questions about the subject.
They may have to refer certain questions to the staff tutors or
The Second Year Centre.
This is located in room B1.19 of the SEECS buidling.
It is staffed weekdays during semester from 4pm until 6pm, with the
exception of the non-instruction period.
The room contains a small number of terminals, so that you can log in
and show the consultant exactly what the problem is (if it is a
programming problem).
If you run into troubles outside your scheduled class times, this is
the first place you should go.
Tutor in charge:
If you have a more complex problem, that can't be answered quickly at
the Second Year Centre, you should see the tutor-in-charge.
Remember though, always try the Second Year Centre first.
Lecturers are also available for consultation - either catch them
after your lectures to ask brief questions or to arrange an
appointment, or email them to fix an appointment, or visit their
office to fix a time for an appointment.
Rajkumar Buyya
Grid Computing and Distributed Systems (GRIDS) Laboratory,
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
The University of Melbourne.