GridDemo 2003
The 3rd International Workshop on Live Demonstrations of Grid Technologies and Applications
In conjunction with
CCGrid 2003: The 3rd IEEE International Symposium
on Cluster Computing and the Grid
May 12-15, 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Sponsored by
IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC)
Recently the Grid has become the driving force of IT research. Many new projects and national and international Grid activities have been launched world wide. On the other hand we have no or little experience with real operational Grids and applications. Therefore, the goal of the workshop to give live demonstration of already existing Grids and to explain how they were built and are maintained along with suitable applications. What are their basic working principles and which are the difficulties the constructors had to face during their creation. We believe that the study of such real Grids will help the establishment of new Grids which finally, can lead to the dreamed world-wide Grid.
In this workshop we plan to have 6-8
demos and each demo presentation will be divided into three parts:
We invite you to give live Grid presentation at
the Workshop organized in the framework of the CCGrid 2003 symposium.
Please, send a one page abstract describing your Grid activities, technologies, and/or applications and how you will be
presented them during the demo. The conference will provide a facility for connecting
your computer to the Internet or a computer connected to the Internet. Please indicate
clearly, if you need any other special infrastructure or facility for your demo. The speakers are expected to do a rehearsal one day
before the workshop so you should explicitly declair at the end of your
abstract that if your submission is accepted, you are ready to participate at
the rehearsal day before the workshop.
The previous workshops in the series, GridDemo 2001, held in Gold Coast, Australia and GridDemo 2002, held in Berlin, Germany have attracted a large number of demos and active participants.
Please, send your abstract by e-mail to Rajkumar Buyya @ the following address:
The deadline for submission of the abstract is Feb. 18, 2003.
Notification will be sent by
March 18, 2003.
MTA SZTAKI and Univ.
of Westminster |
The University of Melbourne, Australia |