Next came a solid presentation from Rajkumar Buyya from Monash University, on the topic of Parallel Processing with Linux. This was a substantial overview of the current state of play with Linux clustering technologies. Various models for building high performance computers where presented, including Beowulf clusters. Numerous high speed, TCP/IP and non TCP/IP networking technologies were looked at, along with analysis of the advantages and disadvantages. Management of Linux clusters was discussed, including outlines of tools which made the cluster as a whole look like a single computing device. Advantages given for why Linux clusters are good vehicle for various high-performance computing needs included: reduction in acquisition cost, reduction in downtime (if one unit crashes, the remainder keep running,) reduced on-going maintenance costs, etc.
Click here to download the Presentation Slides (which is in Powerpoint'97 format)
Appreared in:Proceedings of the AUUG - Open Source Annual Confererence (AUUG'99), Melbourne, Australia, 1999.