Warm welcome to Professor Buyya's Cyberhome!
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- Latest Edited Books: Machine Learning for Cloud Management CRC Press, USA, 2021; Fog and Edge Computing, Wiley, USA, 2019; Big Data and Internet of Things, Morgan Kaufmann, USA, 2016.
- Latest Text Book: Mastering Cloud Computing, International Edition: Morgan Kaufmann, USA, May 2013; Indian Edition: McGraw Hill, Feb 2013; and Chinese Edition, May 2015.
- Major research topics for 2025: Future Generation Clouds, AI for Clouds, Green Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data Computing, Fog Computing, Serverless Computing, Quantum Computing, Energy-efficiency in New Gen Cloud Data Centres, Federated Learning
- Research Index: Google Scholar,
>DBLP Bib Server, ACM DL,
Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID, ArnetMiner, Semantic Scholar, Research Gate, AD Scientific Index, Research.com CS Scientists, ScholarGPS, TopResearchersList.com
- Journal Leadership: Software: Practice and Experience | Frontiers in the Internet of Things
- Indian TV (Doordarshan Chandana): Morning Light/Belagu program on Cloud computing and Spirituality (2015) and Computers and the Internet: Technological Progression and Applications (2022)
- The Ultimate Goal of Life series: Supreme Destination and Happiness, ISKCON Melbourne, Nov. 2013; Indian Community in Tartu, Estonia, Dec. 2013 and Seattle, USA, May 2014; Beijing, China, May 2015; Devotion and Destination: Easy Journey to Other Planets, ISKCON Melbourne, Sept 3, 2016; Our Identity: A Source of Suffering or Bliss?, ISKCON Melbourne, Nov 2016; Make Mind Your Friend, ISKCON, Melbourne, Jan. 21, 2017; The Power of Inquiry: Material vs Spiritual?, ISKCON Melbourne, April 22, 2017 and ISKCON Mauritius, May 28, 2017; Formula for Real Success, Victory and Happiness: V = K + A, ISKCON, Melbourne, July 29, 2017 and ISKCON, Jakarta, Indonesia, Sept 24, 2017; ISKCON Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 10, 2019; The Peace Formula, ISKCON, Melbourne, October 14, 2017; Inner Engineering for Living the Way Creator Made Us (sat-cit-ananda), ISKCON, Melbourne, November 25, 2017; Supreme Protection and Freedom from Threefold Miseries, ISKCON, Melbourne, January 13, 2018; ISKCON, Surabaya, Indonesia, July 21, 2018; Paradigm Shift: From "Me" Centric to "God" Centric for Attaining the Supreme Abode, ISKCON, Melbourne, March 17, 2018; Srimad-Bhagavatam Class - Nature of Prayers: Material or Spirtual, ISKCON, Mauritius, June 14, 2018; Thoughts, Divinity, and the Highest Perfection of Life, ISKCON, Melbourne, September 15, 2018; Bhagavad-Gita Catur-Sloka: The Essence of Bhakti-Yoga, ISKCON, Melbourne, November 24, 2018;
Revolution of Consciousness: The Foundation for Peace and Happiness, ISKCON, Melbourne, July 27, 2019;
How to Mitigate All Material Pains?, ISKCON, Melbourne, March 31, 2020;
The True Method of Atonement for Spiritual Success, ISKCON, Melbourne, November 20, 2021; Residents of Spiritual World (Vaikuntha Loka): Their Appearance and Unique Features, ISKCON, Melbourne, December 2, 2021; A Path for Purification of our Life: Atonement or Bhakti Yoga?, ISKCON Melbourne, Jan. 3, 2022;
Chanting the Holy Name of the Lord: Does it Work?, ISKCON Melbourne, Jan. 5, 2022;
What are Dangers of Becoming a Servant of Senses?, ISKCON Melbourne, Jan. 10, 2022;
A Devotee Journey to the Spiritual World, ISKCON Melbourne, Jan. 22, 2022; With Tapasya (Austerity): Every Wonderful Thing is Possible!, ISKCON Melbourne, March 21, 2022; Prayers for Protections from Threefold Material Miseries, ISKCON Melbourne, May 10, 2022; The Absolute Truth and Joyful Living, ISKCON Melbourne, July 9, 2022; Aspirations Battle: Indra (Material Opulence) Vs Vritasura (Spiritual Elevation), ISKCON Melbourne, July 25, 2022; Cooperation of the Master/King and His Subordinates --> Happiness, ISKCON Melbourne, August 5, 2022; Identity, Consciousness, and the Highest Perfection of Life, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Association of Thailand, Bangkok, September 30, 2022;
Absolute Truth and Joyful Living (Hindi) (English), ISKCON Bangkok, Thailand, October 1-2, 2022; Dangers of Offending a Spiritual Master: An Illustration from Mother Parvati Cursing of King Citraketu Scenario, ISKCON Melbourne, October 19, 2022;
Diti's 47 Sons (Maruts): How Did They Acquire Vaisnava Qualities, ISKCON Melbourne, November 16, 2022;
Conscientious Wife: Qualities and Rewards as per Kashyapa Muni, ISKCON Melbourne, November 21, 2022;
Protection: A Secondary Result of Bhakti/Devotional Service, ISKCON Melbourne, December 7, 2022;
Satisfaction Within: Occupational Duty (varnasrama-dharma) with Devotion, ISKCON Belgaum, January 1, 2023; The Supremacy of the Lord Sri Krishna in Protection, ISKCON Melbourne, February 8, 2023;
The Formula for Ultimate Victory, ISKCON Melbourne, February 11, 2023;
What is the Most Wonderful Thing within This World?, ISKCON Melbourne, February 20, 2023;
Awake and Seek Out - the Nature of Material and Spiritual Good Fortunes!?, ISKCON Melbourne, March 3, 2023;
The Cosmic Manifestation and the Role of Supreme Lord, ISKCON Melbourne, March 16, 2023;
Transcendental Activities and Their Absolute Position, ISKCON Melbourne, April 2, 2023;
A Vision of Material and Spiritual Education, ISKCON Melbourne, April 20, 2023;
The First Engineer of the Universe (Lord Brahma's) Prayers for Creative Energy, ISKCON Surat, April 30, 2023;
A Reaction of Materialist to NavaVidha Bhakti Process, ISKCON Melbourne, May 17, 2023;
Uncontrolled Senses as Enemies of Yogis, ISKCON Melbourne, May 25, 2023;
Transcendental Qualities of Prahalad Maharaja and His Classmates, ISKCON Melbourne, June 2, 2023;
The Time and its Use in the Different Stages of Life: A Cause for Elevation or Downfall?, ISKCON Melbourne, June 9, 2023;
Sadhu-Sanga is Rare: When Was the First Time Prahalad Met Narada?, ISKCON Melbourne, June 28, 2023;
Understanding our Identity as Spirit Souls through Analytical Study, ISKCON Melbourne, July 12, 2023;
The Real Problem of Life: What is it and How to Solve it?, ISKCON Melbourne, July 24, 2023;
The Nature of Body and its Paraphernalia Connection: Temporary or Eternal?, ISKCON Melbourne, July 31, 2023;
What is the Highest Welfare Activity??, ISKCON Melbourne, August 7, 2023;
What is the Source of Everyone's Strength?, ISKCON Melbourne, August 14, 2023;
Developing Transcendental Vision by Hearing Glories of Lord Sri Krishna and His Devotees, ISKCON Melbourne, September 8, 2023;
Material Qualification Vs Bhakti: What Attracts Supreme Lord?, ISKCON Melbourne, September 20, 2023;
Everyone's Mentality and Activities are Influenced by Supreme Lord's Energy, ISKCON Melbourne, October 2, 2023;
The Success Formula from Gita Wisdom, ISKCON Community, Chengdu, China, October 15, 2023;
A Pure Devotee Step Purifies the Entire Planet, ISKCON Melbourne, November 27, 2023;
Srimad-Bhagavatam as Amalam Puranam: Science of Supreme God Krishna, Nature, and the Aim of Life, ISKCON Melbourne, December 7, 2023;
Who Can Understand the Truth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead ?, ISKCON Melbourne, December 11, 2023;
How did Lord Krisha Expand Lord Siva's Reputation?, ISKCON Melbourne, December 13, 2023;
Forgetting our Real Identify and Self Interest -> Suffering in Endless Samsara Chakra, ISKCON Melbourne, January 29, 2024;
Ideally, How Much to Earn for Livelihood and How to Achieve the Ultimate Goal of Human Form of Life ?, ISKCON Melbourne, February 16, 2024;
Daily Transcendental Service/Worship of Supreme God: Why and How?, ISKCON Melbourne, February 26, 2024;
Tirtha Yatra: Spiritual Significance of Visiting Holy Places, ISKCON Melbourne, March 5, 2024;
Glories of a Preacher of God's Message, ISKCON Melbourne, March 14, 2024;
Human Body and Chariot Analogy: Lessons for Achieving the Ultimate Goal of Life, ISKCON Melbourne, April 15, 2024;
What is the Supreme Destination of a Devotee ?, ISKCON Melbourne, May 5, 2024;
Different Incarnations/Avatars of Lord Krishna and Their Unique Purpose, ISKCON Melbourne, June 19, 2024; Devotion to God and Mercy of a Pure Devotee: How are they Related?, ISKCON Bhubaneswar, July 4, 2024;
Devotees Eagerness to See Lord Krishna's Smiling Lotus Face!, ISKCON Melbourne, August 5, 2024;
Seeing the Supreme God and Achieving the Ultimate Goal of Life!, ISKCON Melbourne, August 14, 2024;
Glories Celebration of Lord Krishna and His Devotee's Appearance and Activities, ISKCON Melbourne, August 28, 2024;
DevaYana: A Role of Surabhi Cow and Yagna for Easy Journey to Higher Planets, ISKCON Melbourne, September 13, 2024;
The Rule of Great Battle @ Beach of the Ocean of Milk: Fight Between Equals, ISKCON Melbourne, October 9, 2024;
Can Maya (Illusory Energy) Influence Lord Shiva ?, ISKCON Melbourne, November 1, 2024;
Seven Sages (Sapta Rishis) during the 8th Manvantara!, ISKCON Melbourne, November 6, 2024;
Supreme God Incarnations and Energies for Universal Management, ISKCON Melbourne, November 12, 2024;
Pleasing Supreme Lord and Fulfilling Desires, ISKCON Melbourne, November 27, 2024;
Prayers in the Glorification of the Supreme Lord, ISKCON Melbourne, December 2, 2024;
A Scene at Auspicious Yagna Program during Dwapara Yuga, ISKCON Bhubaneswar, January 7, 2025;
Bali Maharaj's Promise and Lord Vamanadeva's Glories Steps, ISKCON Melbourne, January 23, 2025;
God is the Greatest Well Wisher and Supreme Teacher, ISKCON Melbourne, January 28, 2025;
Professional Biography: ( concise )
Dr. Rajkumar Buyya is a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor and Director of the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is also serving as the founding CEO of Manjrasoft Pty Ltd., a spin-off company of the University, commercialising its innovations in Cloud Computing. He served as a Future Fellow of the Australian Research Council during 2012-2016.
He serving/served as Honorary/Visiting Professor for several elite Universities including Imperial College London (UK), University of Birmingham (UK), University of Hyderabad (India), and Tsinghua University (China).
He received B.E and M.E in Computer Science and Engineering from Mysore and Bangalore Universities in 1992 and 1995 respectively; and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2002.
He was awarded Dharma Ratnakara Memorial Trust Gold Medal in 1992 for
his academic excellence at the University of Mysore, India. He received Richard Merwin Award from the IEEE Computer Society (USA) for excellence in academic achievement and professional efforts in 1999. He received Leadership and
Service Excellence Awards from the IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing in 2000 and 2003. He received "Research Excellence Awards" from the University of Melbourne for productive and quality research in computer science and software engineering in 2005 and 2008. He acknowledges all researchers and institutions worldwide for their consideration in building on software systems created by his CLOUDS Lab and recognising them through citations and contributing to their further enhancements. With over 152,000 citations, a g-index of 371, and an h-index of 168,
he is one of the highly cited authors in computer science and software engineering worldwide. He received the Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research Contribution 2008 from the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia, CORE, which is an association of university departments of computer science in Australia and New Zealand.
Dr. Buyya received the "2009 IEEE TCSC Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing" for pioneering the economic paradigm for utility-oriented distributed computing platforms such as Grids and Clouds. He served as the founding Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC). Dr. Buyya is recognized as a "Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher" for seven times since 2016, Scopus Researcher of the Year 2017 with Excellence in Innovative Research Award by Elsevier, and "Lifetime Achievement Awards" from two Indian universities for his
outstanding contributions to Cloud computing and distributed systems. He has been recognised as the "Best of the World" twice for research fields (in Computing Systems in 2019 and Software Systems in 2021) as well as "Lifetime Achiever" and "Superstar of Research" in "Engineering and Computer Science" discipline twice (2019 and 2021) by the Australian Research Review. Recently, he received "Research Innovation Award" from IEEE Technical Committee on Services Computing and "Research Impact Award" from IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing.
Dr. Buyya has contributed to the creation of high-performance computing and communication system software for PARAM supercomputers developed by the Centre for Development
of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), India.
He has pioneered Economic Paradigm for Service-Oriented Distributed Computing and demonstrated its utility through his contribution to
conceptualisation, design and development of Grid and Cloud Computing technologies such
as Aneka, GridSim, Libra, Nimrod-G, Gridbus, and Cloudbus that power the emerging eScience and eBusiness applications. He has been awarded, over $8 million, competitive research grants from various national and international organisations including the Australian Research Council (ARC), Sun Microsystems, StorageTek, IBM, and Microsoft, CA Australia, Australian Dept. of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (DIISR), and European Council.
Dr. Buyya has been remarkably productive in a research sense and has converted much of that knowledge into linkages with industry partners (such as IBM, Sun and Microsoft), into software tools useful to other researchers in a variety of scientific fields, and into community endeavours. Software technologies for Grid and Cloud computing developed under Dr. Buyya's leadership have gained rapid acceptance and are in use at several academic institutions and commercial enterprises in 50+ countries around the world. In recognition of this, he received Vice Chancellor's inaugural "Knowledge Transfer Excellence (Commendation) Award" from the University of Melbourne in Nov 2007. Manjrasoft's Aneka technology for Cloud Computing developed under Dr.Buyya's leadership has received "2010 Asia Pacific Frost & Sullivan New Product Innovation Award". Recently, Dr. Buyya
received "Bharath Nirman Award" and "Mahatma Gandhi Award" along with Gold
Medals for his outstanding and extraordinary achievements in Information
Technology field and services rendered to promote greater friendship and
India-International cooperation.
Dr. Buyya has authored/co-authored over 850 publications. Since 2007, he received twelve "Best Paper Awards" from international conferences/journals including a "2009 Outstanding Journal Paper Award" from the IEEE Communications Society, USA. He has co-authored five text books: Microprocessor x86 Programming (BPB Press, New Delhi, India, 1995), Mastering C++ (McGraw Hill Press, India, 1st edition in 1997 and 2nd edition in 2013), Object Oriented Programming with Java: Essentials and Applications (McGraw Hill, India, 2009), Mastering Cloud Computing (Morgan Kaufmann, USA; McGraw Hill, India, 2013; China Machine Press, 2015), and Cloud Data Centers and Cost Modeling (Morgan Kaufmann, USA, 2015). The books on emerging topics that he edited include, High Performance Cluster Computing (Prentice Hall, USA, 1999),
High Performance Mass Storage and Parallel I/O (IEEE and Wiley Press, USA, 2001), Content Delivery Networks (Springer, Germany, 2008), Market Oriented Grid and Utility Computing (Wiley Press, USA, 2009), and Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms (Wiley, USA, 2011). He also edited proceedings of over 25 international conferences published by prestigious organisations, namely the IEEE Computer Society Press (USA) and Springer Verlag (Germany). He served as Associate Editor of Elsevier's Future Generation Computer Systems Journal (2004-2009) and currently serving on editorial boards of many journals including Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press).
Dr. Buyya served as a speaker in the IEEE Computer Society Chapter Tutorials Program (from 1999-2001), Founding Co-Chair of
the IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing (TFCC) from 1999-2004, and member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP) from 2003-2011. He
served as the first elected Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC) during 2005-2007 and played a prominent role in the creation and execution of several innovative community programs that propelled TCSC into one of the most successful TCs within the IEEE Computer Society. In recognition of these dedicated services to computing community over a decade, President of the IEEE Computer Society presented Dr. Buyya a Distinguished Service Award in 2008.
Dr. Buyya is a Fellow of IEEE, Foreign Fellow of Academia Europaea, and Life Member of ACM. He has co-founded five IEEE/ACM international conferences: CCGrid, Cluster, Grid, e-Science, and UCC (Utility and Cloud Computing) and served as the Chair of their inaugural meetings. He served as a Member of the IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee in 2015, 2018, and 2021. He has presented over 600 invited talks (keynotes, tutorials, and seminars) on
his vision on IT Futures and advanced computing technologies at international conferences and
institutions in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. For further information on Dr. Buyya, please visit: http://www.buyya.com
Let me not desire anything but the highest good for my worst enemies - Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.
"It has been said that to one who is
good, the whole world becomes good.
This is true so far as the individual is
concerned. But goodness becomes
dynamic only when it is practised in
the face of evil. If you return good for
good only, it is a bargain and carries
no merit, but if you return good for
evil, it becomes a redeeming force.
The evil ceases before it and it goes
on gathering volume and momentum
like a snow-ball till it becomes
irresistible." -- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
"There is no sense in trying to do anything unless you give it your maximum effort. You may not succeed but at least the dedication and effort and interest should be there." -- John F. Kennedy (JFK)
"Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose." -- G. K. Nielson
"It's simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about what the other fellow is going to do." -- John R. Amos
"Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I don't have it in the beginning." -- Mahatma Gandhi
"Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value." - Albert Einstein.
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him -- Swami Chinmayananda.
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" -- Albert Einstein.
"Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been." -- Albert Einstein.
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts bcome your words,
Your words become your action, Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values, You values become your destiny" - Mahatma Gandhi
The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. - Albert Einstein.
"If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." - Albert Einstein.
"Problems cannot be solved by thinking within the framework in which the problems were created." - Albert Einstein.
"I learned much about my academic colleagues. They fell into three categories. The first, and by far the most numerous, wanted only to be left alone to get on with their own work. But they were like hermit crabs: if you were foolish enough to tread on them, they nipped painfully. The second were intelligent and public-spirited, understood the problems and were positively helpful in solving them. Finally there was a tiny but inescapable minority of menacing nuisances who expressed their egos by causing trouble. The proble was how to avoid antagonizing the first group, to enlist the support of the second and to neutralize the third." Sir Michael Howard, Regis Professor of Modern History, Oxford (source: Randy H. Katz, UC Berkley website).
"The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense." -- Thomas A. Edison