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IEEE Cluster 2008 Call for posters and working-in-progress papers


The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2008) will be held in the high-tech city of Tsukuba, Japan, on September 29 to October 1, 2008. The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2008) will be held on the same days and location as the Cluster 2008.

Authors are invited to present their planned, on-going or recently-finished work related to cluster computing in the poster session of Cluster 2008. All accepted poster papers will be included in the Cluster 2008 proceedings.
And, the authors of 6 selected papers are given chances of short oral presentation in the work-in-progress session.

This conference will focus on (but not limited to) the following;

Cluster Software and Middleware
- System Tools for "Green" Computing
- Software Environments and Tools
- Single-System Image Services
- Parallel File Systems and I/O Libraries
- Standard Software for Clusters
- Cluster Networking
- High-Speed Interconnects
- High Performance Message Passing Libraries
- Lightweight Communication Protocols

- Application Methods and Algorithms
- Adaptation to Multi-Core
- Data Distribution, Load Balancing & Scaling
- MPI/OpenMP Hybrid Computing
- Visualization

Performance Analysis and Evaluation
- Benchmarking & Profiling Tools
- Performance Prediction & Modeling

Cluster Management
- Virtualization Technology
- Security and Reliability
- High Availability Solutions
- Resource and Job Management
- Administration and Maintenance Tools

Submission, Format, Publication

Consideration for a Cluster 2008 Poster will be based on the submission of a paper (maximum 6 pages). It must follow the same format as the technical papers
(See the Call for Papers announcement).

Submissions will be made on-line via the Cluster 2008 web page. A submitted paper must be in PDF format. The submitted papers are reviewed. All accepted poster papers will be included in the Cluster 2008 proceedings. No extra pages are permitted for the camera-ready. The dimensions of the poster boards for the Poster Session are 100cm x 210cm (width x height).

Work in progress session

The authors of 6 selected papers are given chances of oral presentation in the special session (Work in progress session). The presentation time is 15 min.

Important dates

Submission: 22 Jul 2008 11:59 pm (AOE, GMT-12)
Acceptance notification: 10 Aug 2008

Contact address

Please contact the Poster chair, Takeshi Iwashita
(cluster08-poster_AT_ais.sys.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp) at Kyoto University (JAPAN) for any other information.
Please replace _AT_ to @.

