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Keynote Speaker

Daniel A. Reed (Microsoft Research)

Clouds, Clusters and ManyCore: The Revolution Ahead

Without doubt, scientific discovery, business practice and social interactions are moving rapidly from a world of homogeneous and local systems to a world of distributed software, virtual organizations and cloud computing infrastructure, all powered by multicore processors and large-scale infrastructure. In science, a tsunami of new experimental and computational data and a suite of increasingly ubiquitous sensors pose vexing problems in data analysis, transport, visualization and collaboration. In society and business, software as a service and cloud computing are empowering distributed groups.

Letfs step back and think about the longer term future. Where is the technology going and what are the implications? What architectures are appropriate? How to we manage power and scale? What are the right size building blocks? How do we come to grips with the fact that our clusters and data centers are now bigger than the Internet was just a few years ago? How do we develop and support malleable software? What is the ecosystem of components in which distributed, data rich applications will operate? How do we optimize performance and reliability? How do we program these systems?

Invited Speaker

Prof. Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda (The Ohio State University)

Designing Next Generation Clusters with InfiniBand and 10GE/iWARP: Opportunities and Challenges

Clusters with commodity multi-core processors and commodity networking technologies are providing cost-effective solutions for building next generation high-end systems including HPC clusters, servers, parallel file systems and multi-tier data-centers. The talk will focus on two emerging networking technologies (InfiniBand and 10GE/iWARP) and their associated protocols for designing such systems. In this talk, we will critically examine the current and future trends of these technologies and their applicability for designing next generation petascale clusters.

The talk will start with the motivations behind these technologies and then focus on their architectural aspects and applicability to SAN, LAN and WAN-based clusters. Designing next generation clusters with high performance, scalability and RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability) capabilities by using these technologies will be examined. Current and future trends of InfiniBand and iWARP products will be highlighted. The emerging OpenFabrics software stack, focusing both these technologies in an integrated manner, will be presented. Finally, a set of case studies in designing various clusters with these networking technologies will be presented to outline the associated opportunities and challenges.

