Cluster 2006 - The future of Cluster
Networking Panel
Panel Chair: Renato Recio, DE and Chief Architect, eSystem IO - IBM
Stephen Garrison, VP
Corporate Marketing - Force10Networks (Enet swiches)
Rama K Govindaraju, DE HPC Software
- IBM (Cluster Adapters and Fabric)
Michael Kagan, VP of Architecture
- Mellanox (IB Adapters and Fabric)
Brian Hausauer,
Chief Architect -
NetEffect (RNIC/NIC Adapters)
Greg Lindahl, Chief Scientist
- Pathscale/QLogic (IB Adapters and Fabric)
Jakov Seizovic, CTO - Myricom (Myrinet Adapters and Fabric,
Ethernet Adapters)
Panel Abstract:
This panel will describe the evolution of
the Cluster Networking market over the next five years. The panel will
address cluster networking requirement areas, including: functions (e.g.
collective operations, accelerators,...), performance (bandwidth,
latency, and CPU utilization), price/performance, scaling (to 10s K
nodes), API stacks (e.g. which APIs stacks are needed and for what
market segments), management simplification, RAS and cost. It will
address how these requirement areas are being met by today's Cluster
Networks. It will make evolutionary projections of how these requirement
areas will be served in the future.
After the panelist introduce themselves,
the panel will begin with a brief scope introduction by the panel chair.
Each panelist will then have 15 minutes to present their view on how
their network addresses the above cluster networking requirement areas
today and in the future.
Following these short presentations we will have a 30 minute Q&A
session. The panel chair will ask 1-2 questions to get the Q&A session
going and then the Q&A session will be opened to questions from folks in
Panel Time:
2.5 hours
The audience is expected to be composed of cluster providers, users, and
academics, from America, Europe, and Asia.