Cluster 2006
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Barcelona September 25th-28th, 2006

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     Papers & Posters

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Cluster 2006 conference


Cluster 2006 news

You can still book your accommodation in the Venue hotel (conference rates)


Student Awards


Registration is opened


Session program available


Camera-ready papers submission opened


Tutorials accepted available


Call for Participation (flyer)




Call for Exhibitors (pdf)


(click to view more photos)


The Cluster2006 conference (Grid2006 program)


Time 24- Sep(Sunday) 25 September(Monday) 26-Sep(Tuesday) 27- Sep(Wednesday) 28-Sep(Thursday)
7:30   Registration Registration Registration Registration
8:30   Plenary Session C-2
Best Papers

(Barcelona B)
(Barcelona B)
9:00   Tutorial
Raj Buyya
(Sarria )
Rob Latham
(Sant gervasi )
(Barcelona B)
(Barcelona A)
10:00   Coffee break Workshop
(Sarria )
(Sant Gervasi )
10:30   Coffee break Session
Message Passing

(Barcelona A)
I/O and System Software
(Barcelona B) 
11:00   Tutorial
Raj Buyya
(Sarria )
Rob Latham
(Sant Gervasi )
(Barcelona B)
(Barcelona A)
Coffee Break Coffee break
11:30   Session
(Barcelona A)
Web Software for Clusters
(Barcelona B)
(Sarria )
(Sant Gervasi )
12:30   Lunch
(On your own, a chance to go downtown)
13:00   Lunch
14:00   Welcome
Cluster Keynote: Satoshi Matsuoka
Session chair: Karl W. Schulz
Cluster 2007 presentation (Barcelona B)
Performance analysis
(Barcelona A)
(Barcelona B)

(Sant Gervasi)
14:30   Session
(Barcelona A)
(Barcelona B) 
15:30   Coffee break 15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Registration Session
Architecture and Networking
(Barcelona A)
Process and Resource Management 
(Barcelona B)
Coffee break Coffee break Workshop
(Sant Gervasi)
16:30 Session
Last-minute papers
(Barcelona A)
(Barcelona B)
Cluster endnote:Thomas Sterling
Session chair: William Gropp
Closing session
(Barcelona B)
18:00     Sponsor talks
(Barcelona B)
18:30   Poster+exhibit
(Barcelona C)
20:00   Official Dinner  

Cluster2006 Session Program

Session C-1A: Architecture and Networking
Session Chair: Keith Underwood

  • The petacomp machine — A MIMD cluster for parallel pattern-mining. O.Birkeland, O. Snøve Jr.,A. Halaas, M. Nedland, P. Sætrom.
  • Empirical Study on Reducing Energy of Parallel Programs using Slack Reclamation by DVFS. Hideaki Kimura, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yoshihiko Hotta, Taisuke Boku,Daisuke Takahashi
  • Cluster-based IP Router: Implementation and Evaluation. Qinghua Ye, Mike H. MacGregor
  • Protocol Offload Evaluation Using SIMICS. Andres Ortiz, Julio Ortega, Antonio F. Diaz, Alberto Prieto

Session C-1B:Process and Resource Management 
Session Chair: Ron Brightwell

  • Autonomic Management of Clustered Applications. Daniel Hagimont, Sara Bouchenak, Noel De Palma, Christophe Taton
  • XCPU: a new, 9p-based, process management system for clusters and grids. Ronald minnich, andrey mirtchovski
  • Autonomic Resource Management for a Cluster that Executes Batch Jobs. Johnny Wong, L.G. Alex Sung
  • Rapid node reallocation between virtual clusters for data intensive utility computing. Alistair Coles, Aled Edwards

Session C-2: Best papers
Session chair: Thomas Stricker

  • The Influence of Operating Systems on the Performance of Collective Operations at Extreme Scale. Kamil Iskra, Pete Beckman, Kazutomo Yoshii, Susan Coghlan
  • Kernel-Level Measurement for Integrated Parallel Performance Views: the KTAU Project. Aroon Nataraj, Allen Malony, Sameer Shende, Alan Morris
  • Efficient MPI Collective Operations for Clusters in Long-and-Fast Networks. Motohiko Matsuda, Yutaka Ishikawa, Tomohiro Kudoh, Yuetsu Kodama, Ryousei Takano

Session C-3A:  Message Passing Interface
Session chair: Barney Maccabe

  • Fine-Grained Message Pipelining for Improved MPI Performance. Keith Underwood,Arun Rodrigues, Kyle Wheeler, Peter Kogge
  • Designing Efficient MPI Intra-node Communication Support for Modern Computer Architectures. Lei Chai, Albert Hartono, Dhabaleswar K. Panda
  • FAIL-MPI: How fault-tolerant is fault-tolerant MPI ?. Thomas Herault, William Hoarau, Pierre Lemarinier, Eric Rodriguez, Sebastien Tixeuil
  • A Hybrid MPI Simulator. Rolf Riesen

Session C-3B: I/O and System Software
Session chair: Rob Ross

  • Lightweight I/O for Scientific Applications. Ron Oldfield, Arthur B. Maccabe, Sarala Arunagiri, Todd Kordenbrock, Rolf Riesen
  • I/O Scheduling Service for Multi-Application Clusters. Adrien LEBRE, HUARD, DENNEULIN, SOWA
  • JOSHUA: Symmetric Active/Active Replication for Highly Available HPC Job and Resource Management. Kai Uhlemann, Christian Engelmann, Stephen L. Scott
  • NVisionPA: A Process Accounting Analysis Tool with a Security Focus on Masquerade Detection in ...William Yurcik, Charis Ermopoulos

Session C-4A: Applications
Session chair: Christopher Catherasoo

  • MSSG: A Framework for Massive Scale Semantic Graphs. Umit Catalyurek
  • Z-align:An Exact Parallel Strategy for Biological Sequence Alignment in User-Restricted Memory Space. Alba Melo, Rodolfo Bezerra Batista
  • A Simple Synchronous Distributed-Memory Algorithm for the HPCC RandomAccess Benchmark. Keith Underwood, Steve Plimpton, Ron Brightwell, Courtenay Vaughn, Mike Davis

Session C-4B: Scheduling
Session chair: Dan Katz

  • Energy-Aware Duplication Strategies for Scheduling Precedence Constrained Parallel Tasks on Clusters. Ziliang Zong, Adam Manzanares, Brian Stinar, and Xiao Qin
  • Locality Conscious Processor Allocation and Scheduling for Mixed Parallel Applications. Nagavijayalakshmi Vydyanathan, S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Sabin, U. Catalyurek, T. Kurc
  • Using Simulation, Historical and Hybrid Estimation for Enhancing Job Scheduling on NOWs. Francesc Gine, M. Hanzich, J.L. Lerida, F. Solsona, P. Hernandez

Session C-5A: Last-minute papers
Session chair:Ron Minnich

  • An Iteration Aware Multidimensional Data Distribution Prototype for Computing Clusters, Baoqiang Yan, and Philip J. Rhodes
  • Improving Communication Performance on InfiniBand by Using Efficient Data Placement Strategies ,Robert Rex, Frank Mietke, Wolfgang Rehm, Christoph Raisch, and Hoang-Nam Nguyen
  • A New Flexible MPI Collective I/O Implementation, Kenin Coloma, Avery Ching, Alok Choudhary, Rob Ross, Rajeev Thakur, and Lee Ward

Session C-5B: Heterogenenous
Session chair: Pete Beckman

  • Stochastic Scheduling with Availability Constraints in Heterogeneous Clusters. Tao Xie, Xiao Qin, Nijim Mais
  • Parallel Classification of Remote Sensing Images Using Fully Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Clusters. Javier Plaza, Rosa Perez, Antonio Plaza, Pablo Martinez, David Valencia
  • Robust task scheduling in non-deterministicheterogeneous computing systems. Jack Dongarra, Zhiao Shi, Emmanuel Jeannot

Sponsor talk

"Introduction to IBM Clustering technologies solutions and methods for High Availability and Disaster Recovery cross system plattforms"

          This presentation will provide you an overview of the current status quo on clustering for high availability and disaster recovery designs
          in commercial and scientific areas.

Session C-6A: Tools
Session chair: Neil Pundit

  • Replay: A Model-Based Service for Supporting Transparent Cluster Analysis Tools. Diwakar Krishnamurthy , Cameron Kiddle, Jerry Rolia, Rob Simmonds
  • STAS: A Scalability Testing and Analysis System. Yong Chen, Xian-He Sun
  • A Model-Based Framework for the Integration of Parallel Tools. Greg Watson, Nathan DeBardeleben

Session C-6B: Web Software for Clusters
Session chair: Mark Baker

  • An Integrated Adaptive Management System for Cluster-based Web Services. Ying Jiang
  • On the Effectiveness of Content-aware Load Distribution for Web Clusters. Mon-Yen Luo
  • Application-aware interface for SOAP communication in Web Services. Hao Wang

Session C-7A: Performance analysis
Session chair: Amy Apon

  • A Performance Instrumentation Framework to Characterize Overlap in Message-Passing Systems. Aniruddha Shet, David E. Bernholdt, Jarek Nieplocha, Vinod Tipparaju, P. Sadayappan
  • Predictive Performance Analysis of a Parallel Pipelined Synchronous Wavefront Application . Gihan Mudalige, Stephen A. Jarvis, Daniel P. Spooner, Graham R. Nudd
  • Modeling Network Contention Effects on All-to-All Operations . Luiz Angelo Steffenel
  • MPJ Express: Towards Thread Safe Java HPC. Aamir Shafi, Bryan Carpenter, Mark Baker

Session C-7B: Grid
Session chair: Rosa M. Badia

  • Automatic Clustering for Self-Organizing Grids. Weishuai YangNael Abu-Ghazaleh, Michael Lewis
  • Resource Management for Interactive Jobs in a Grid Environment. Enol Fernandez, Elisa Heymann, Miquel A. Senar
  • A Virtual Registry For Wide-Area Messaging. Matthew Grove, Mark Baker
  • Parallel Basic Matrix Algebra on the Grid'5000 Large Scale Distributed Platform. Lamine Aouad, Serge Petiton


  • Parallelizing Lattice Gauge Theory Models on Commodity Clusters, Cyril Banino-Rokkones,Jørn Amundsen, Eivind Smørgrav
  • HPC Cluster Readiness of Xen and User Mode Linux, Wesley Emeneker,Dan Stanzione
  • Scheduling Workflow-based Parameter-Sweep Applications with Best-Intermediate-Result-First Heuristic.Kunaporn Srimanotham ,Veera
  • Increasing the cluster availability using RADIC.Angelo Duarte, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque
  • Multi-Objective Models for Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Computer Systems, Sangsuree Vasupongayya, Su-Hui Chiang
  • Can a Helmholtz solver run on a cluster?,Vincent Keller, Gruber Leriche
  • SLA-Based Coordinated Superscheduling Scheme and Performance for Computational Grids.Rajiv Ranjan, Aaron Harwood,Rajkumar Buyya
  • Performance Analysis, Modeling and Prediction of a Parallel Multiblock Lattice Boltzmann Application. Xingfu Wu,  Valerie Taylor, Shane Garrick, Dazhi Yu, Jacques Richard
  • Implementation Tradeoffs of the Array Files Library for Out-of-Core Computations.Amy Apon, Yueyue Zhang
  • Implementation and Evaluation of Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector Products on Distributed Memory Parall.Rukhsana shahnaz,anila usman
  • A Performance Prediction Methodology for Non-deterministic Parallel Applications. Paula Cecilia Fritzsche Frugoni, Concepció Roig, Ana Ripoll, Aura Hernandez , Emilio Luque
  • The Impacts of Message Rate on Applications Programming. Keith  Underwood et al.
  • Combining Clusters for Business Continuity . Steve  McKinty

Workshop on High Performance I/O Techniques and Deployment of Very Large Scale I/O Systems (HiperIO'06)




A Case for using High-level Knowledge for Scalable I/O Optimizations
Prof. Alok Choudhary.

ECE Department, Northwestern University. Evanston, IL , USA

In this talk we make a case for using high-level knowledge and access
patterns to perform I/O optimizations to achieve scalability. In particular, we describe techniques that can reduce and/or eliminate locking by explicitly managing I/O concurrency, which is an important step in achieving true scalability. We present performance results by incorporating these techniques in MPI-IO layer. We also describe high-level caching techniques for scalable I/O. 



Improving the Performance of Cluster Applications through I/O Proxy Architecture.
L. M. Sanchez, A. Calderon, F. Isaila, D. Exposito and J. D. Garcıa 


Efficient Data-Movement for Lightweight I/O.
Ron A. Oldfield, Patrick Widener, Arthur B. Maccabe, Lee Ward and Todd Kordenbrock 


 Coffee break


Marching Towards Nirvana: Configurations for Very High Performance Parallel File Systems.
Phil Andrews, Chris Jordan, Wayne Pfeiffer.


Fairness and Performance Isolation: an Analysis of Disk Scheduling Algorithms
Seetharami R. Seelam and Patricia J. Teller


Positioning Dynamic Storage Caches for Transient Data
Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Douglas Thain, Xiaosong Ma, Vincent W. Freeh


Using Lightweight Transactions and Snapshots for Fault-Tolerant Services Based on Shared Storage Bricks
Michail D. Flouris, Renaud Lachaize, and Angelos Bilas



Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks(HeteroPar'06 )

Program Chair: Domingo Giménez

10:00 – 11:30 Heterogeneous computing in P2P systems. Chair Alexey Lastovetsky

10:00-10:10 Alexey Lastovetsky, Presentation of Heteropar06

10:10-10:35 JaceP2P: an Environment for Asynchronous Computations on Peer-to-Peer Networks, Jacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier and Philippe Vuillemin

10:35-11:00 Virtual Structured P2P Network Topology for Distributed Computing, Euloge Edi, Tahar Kechadi and Ronan McNulty

11:30 - 13:10 Models and tools for heterogeneous computing. Chair Antonio J. Plaza

11:30-11:55 Analytical Network Modeling of Heterogeneous Large-Scale Cluster Systems, Bahman Javadi, Jemal H. Abawajy, Saeid Nahavandi and Mohammad K. Akbari

11:55-12:20 A Framework for Adaptive Communication Modeling on Heterogeneous Hierarchical Clusters, Wahid Nasri, Hajer Hamad and Hadhemi Fejjari

12:20-12:45 Open MPI: A High-Performance, Heterogeneous MPI, Richard L. Graham, Galen M. Shipman, Brian W. Barrett, Ralph H. Castain and George Bosilca

12:45-13:10 TGrid – Grid runtime support for hierarchically structured task-parallel programs, Sascha Hunold, Thomas Rauber and Gudula Rünger

14:00 - 15:15 Scheduling and load balancing. Chair Wahid Nasri

14-14:25 A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Independent Tasks onto a Uniform Parallel Machine and its Extension to a Computational Grid, Noriyuki Fujimoto and Kenichi Hagihara

14:25-14:50 A Quadratic Self-Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems, J. Díaz, S. Reyes, A. Niño and C. Muñoz-Caro

14:50-15:15 Self-Adapting Scheduling for Tasks with Dependencies in Stochastic Environments, I. Riakotakis, F. M. Ciorba, T. Andronikos and G. Papakonstantinou

16:00 - 17:40 Algorithms and applications in heterogeneous systems. Chair Serge Petiton

16-16:25 Matrix Multiplication on Two Interconnected Processors, Brett A. Becker and Alexey Lastovetsky

16:25-16:50 A Parallel Algorithm for Solution of the Deconvolution Problem on Heterogeneous Networks, Pedro Alonso, Alexey Lastovetsky and Antonio M. Vidal

16:50-17:15 Well balanced sparse matrix-vector multiplication on a parallel heterogeneous system, Clovis Dongmo Jiogo, Pierre Kuonen and Pierre Manneback

17:15-17:40 Heterogeneous Computing in Remote Sensing Applications: Current Trends and Future Perspectives, Antonio J. Plaza

17:45 - 18:30 Panel: Techniques for the development of efficient parallel routines for heterogeneous systems
Tentative panelists: Alexey Lastovetsky, Alexey Kalinov, Ravi Reddy, Serge Petiton, Enrique Quintana

Workshop Multicore

Schedule, Monday, September 25th, 2006


9:00 -   9:45         Dr. Giri.Chukkapalli, SUN Microsystems
                              “SUN Strategy  for Sustained Performance on Multicore Petascale Architectures

 9:45 - 10:30         Dr. Kent Milfeld, Texas Advanced Computing Center
                              “Multi-Core Programming Concepts in Commodity Systems

10:30 - 11:00         Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:45         Dr. Herve Chevanne, Advanced Micro Devices
                              Building Tomorrow’s Clusters with AMD Multi-core Processors           

11:45 - 12:30         Dr. Antonio González, Intel
                              The Intel Core Microarchitecture and Multi-Core Roadmap”

12:30 - 13:00         Joint Multi-Core Discussio

Third Workshop on Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA): Applications, Implementations, and Technologies (RAIT 2006)

Schedule Thursday, September 28th, 2006

10:00 - 10:30 "Out of User Space Storage and RDMA", Michael Ko, Renato Recio, and Claudia Salzberg, IBM.

10:30 - 11:00 "Initial Performance Evaluation of the NetEffect 10 Gigabit iWARP Adapter", Dennis Dalessandro, Pete Wyckoff, Ohio Supercomputer Center, and Gary Montry, NetEffect Inc.

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00 "Exploiting RDMA Operations for Providing Efficient Fine-Grained Resource Monitoring in Cluster-based Servers", K. Vaidyanathan, Ohio State University, H. - W. Jin, Konkuk University, and D. K. Panda, Ohio State University.

12:00 - 12:30 "Software iSCSI over iWARP on a General Purpose CPU", Abhijeet A. Joglekar and Steven King, Intel Corporation.

12:30 - 1:00 "Architecture and Implementation of Sockets Direct Protocol in Windows", Dror Goldenberg, Tzachi Dar, and Gilad Shainer, Mellanox Technologies Inc.

1:00 - 2:00 Lunch Break

2:00 - 2:30 "Experiences from Debugging a PCIX-based RDMA-capable NIC", Manolis Marazakis, Vassilis Papaefstathiou, Giorgos Kalokairinos, and Angelos Bilas, Institute of Computer Science (ICS).

2:30 - 3:00 "Performance Study of Winsock Direct with 10 Gb Ethernet RDMA-Enabled NIC", Brian Hausauer, NetEffect, Inc.

3:00 - 3:30 Open Panel Discussion

3:30 - 4:00 Coffee Break